Privacy Policy

Welcome to Because we are committed to protecting your privacy in all aspects of our business, we hope you will take the time to read this policy, which explains what information we collect from you and how we use that information. By using our websites or purchasing products or services from us, you agree to be bound by this policy. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect and how we use it. Please check back periodically.

When you visit our website, Rasakatha collects your IP address, which we use to help diagnose problems with our servers, to administer our websites, and to improve our products and services. Your IP address is also used to gather broad demographic information that does not personally identify you.

To order from us or use other Services (as defined in our Terms of Use), you must set up a account. Setting up an account requires you to provide your email address and to choose a password (your Account Information). When you order from us, we also ask for your name, shipping address, telephone number, and credit card number, billing address, and expiration date (your Order Information. This information is necessary for us to process your order, to notify you of your order status, and to fulfill orders.

Email messages from - If you register as a customer, may send to you email or other communications containing information
about and other matters believes will interest you. At any time you may alter your communications preferences by logging into your account and choosing which email communications you want to receive in your Email Preferences. Also, each email sends to you will tell you how to decline further
unsolicited email. From time to time, may also send you email containing important information regarding the website, which you may not opt out of receiving.

This website has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. When you place orders or access your account information. All of the customer data we collect is similarly protected against unauthorized access. may disclose your personal information in the following circumstances and as otherwise permitted by applicable law:

  1. Disclosure to Authorizing Persons - If you use the websites on behalf of another person or organization (such as your employer), may provide your
    personal information to that authorizing person/organization. has no control over the use of your personal information by the authorizing
    person/organization, and that use is not subject to this Policy. If you do not wish your personal information to be disclosed to the person/organization on whose behalf you use the websites, you may not use the websites.

  2. Disclosure to Affiliates, Booksellers, Suppliers, and Service Providers – may provide your personal information to its affiliated businesses or other suppliers and service providers for use in connection with the operation of the websites. For example, discloses certain of your personal information to your credit card provider and the shipping company in order to facilitate the purchase of books through the websites. may also disclose certain of your personal information to service providers that analyze website use. requires its affiliated businesses, suppliers, and service providers to agree to use your personal information only for the purposes for which it is provided to them, and to protect the privacy of your personal information in a manner that is consistent with this Policy. Otherwise, if you do not wish your personal information to be disclosed to’ affiliated businesses, booksellers, suppliers, and service providers, you may not register as a customer or order books through the websites.

  3. Disclosure in Business Transfers – may be involved in the sale or transfer of some or all of its business. As part of that sale or transfer, may disclose your personal information to the acquiring organization, but will require the acquiring organization to agree to protect the privacy of your personal information in a manner that is consistent with this Policy. has no liability for the acquiring organization’s use and disclosure of your personal information.

  4. Law Enforcement and Legal Disclosure – may disclose your personal information to a government institution that has asserted its lawful authority to obtain the information or where has reasonable grounds to believe the information could be useful in the investigation of unlawful activity, or to comply with a subpoena or warrant or an order made by a court, person, or body with jurisdiction to compel the production of information, or to comply with court rules regarding the production of records and information, or to its legal counsel. has no control over, or liability for, those persons’ use and disclosure of your personal information, and that use and disclosure is not subject to this Policy. may provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns, and related website information to third parties, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information. Put simply, we will not tell our business partners that you bought a particular item, but we may tell them how many customers in certain demographic groups bought certain items.
The website contains links to other sites, operated by third parties, that we think may be of interest to you. encourages third parties to follow appropriate privacy standards and policies, but is not responsible for the actions of those parties, the content of their websites, or any products or services they may offer.
The website uses cookies which are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer hard drive. Our cookies do not contain any personally identifying information, but they do enable us to provide a shopping cart and to store your shipping and billing information between visits. If you set your browser to reject cookies, you can still use our site, but will not be able to purchase items. Cookies may also be used by our affiliates or advertisers. encourages anyone who uses cookies to follow appropriate privacy standards and policies, but is not responsible for cookies placed by third parties.
At, we understand that children privacy is important. Except in connection with surveys and contests, we do not monitor the age of our user audience. However, if you are under age 13, you should not submit personal identifying information to without the consent of your parent or guardian. If you are a
parent and want to limit your children's access to material you believe may be harmful to them, you may want to look into commercially available hardware, software, and filtering devices.